Problem On AutoStart of the VNC Server but not configured

Remmina remote desktop connection installation is suspected responsible of activating the autostart trigger script of the vncserver if installed on Fedora 15.

Hence, during boot up, the system will initialize the Remmina setting first prior running the setting written in /etc/sysconfig/vncservers.

This potentially make crash of the autostart setting of /etc/sysconfig/vncservers.

To make this aligned, these are the steps on this issue:

1. Edit the file: /root/.vnc/xstartup, to mask the lines  as below:

    #xsetroot -solid grey

    #xtrem -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop"&

    #twmmmm &

    #start &

2. Reboot your PC.

If you already have a vncserver running, you will need to shutdown the service before rebooting by:

1. Log in using "local", then "vncserver -kill :1" , or

2. Invoking "service vncserver stop", then delete any files inside "/tmp/.X11-unix"

3. Restart the vncserver service by "service vncserver restart"

I hope this will help somebody.

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