These are the steps on installing google chrome to a Fedora 15 system:
1. Download the rpm:
2. Rename the google repo in /etc/yum.repos.d as another file
3. Install the rpm:
Yum install local -y /<donwload_dir>/google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64.rom
How To Install Google Chrome In Fedora 15
Installing mysql-workbench on Fedora
This are the steps for installing MySQL Workbench on Fedora:
1. Get the list of dependencies by invoking:
yum install mysql-workbench
2. Install the dependencies independently
3. Install remi repo:
yum install
4. Download (my case, I'm using wget) from:
Configuring Yum Behind Proxy
This is to enable yum installation to a server behind proxy network.
1. Configure yum.conf
vi /etc/yum.conf
add these lines:
proxy = http://proxyname:port/
proxy_username = name
proxy_password = password
2. Export http_proxy variable
export http_proxy = "http://proxy:port/"
3. Export http_proxy variable in bash login script
vi /root/.bash_profile
export http_proxy="http://proxy:port/"
ORACLE PL/SQL: Change Date/Time format display
The syntax:
SELECT to_char(INSERTDATETIME,'YYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') FROM tablename WHERE conditions
Oracle PL/SQL List of all table
To query tables on a database:
Setting up php OCI8 on Fedodra 15
Hi guys, some of you need to know about setting up your PHP on Fedora 15 to beable to be used to query Oracle database.
Here is the steps:
1. Make sure your "php-devel" package has been installed along with the dependencies. (Use Yum installation if you are not sure)
2. Install "instantclient-basic" and "instantclient-devel" from Oracle site.
note: Choose the .rpm type of files and install them using "yum install local ...rpm"
3. Find and get the oci8 source file from: (ie : oci8-1.4.5.tgz)
4. Extract the file at "/usr/lib/oracle/<VERSION>"
5. From command window, go to the extracted directory and type:
"./configure --with-oci8=shared,instantclient,usr/lib/oracle/<VERSION>/client/lib"
6. Make
7. Make install
8. Add library shared object for PHP
echo > /etc/php.d/oci8.ini
9. Restart the server
Solving VNCserver Autorun failed during bootup after crash (Fedora15)
Check /tmp/.X11-unix
check for files started with X.. ie: X0,X1,X2
The numbers will be same as defined in your vncserver conf.